I didn´t realize how much I liked Bsas...until I left! Porteños are pretty unpopular in other areas, and I surprised myself by how offended and defensive I would get every time someone insulted bsas. lol!
If Spain and Italy had a baby, its name would be Argentina.
First off: the greeting cheek kiss. Ughhh omg I can´t handle it because I´m so gunshy ever since my first (FAIL) attempt, when I turned my head too much and accidentally kissed the other person on the lips T__T uyyy. So imagine my terror at having to do it every day, multiple times, for a month and a half!
Sarcasm: So a stereotype of Americans is that we´re over-exuberant and too easily over-exciteable...and wow I never actually thought of myself that way, until I came here and I was the only one saying WOOOT or showing excitement. Porteños express themselves a lot more through sarcasm, and they´re really great and creative at it.
Bad service: Once a waitress was cleaning the table and brushed all the crumbs into Sarah´s lap, and didn´t apologize!
10 pm dinners
Very inviting: I can´t believe how many bday parties of people I don´t know that I´ve crashed. Moreover, almost everyone would always ask us, when are you coming back to Bsas? And they´d also tell us, Let me know when you´re back so we can hang out!
Know how to have a great time: the nightlife is really great (if not for the machisto men). It usually starts at 2am and could end at 10 am..yikes! We went to a show called Bomba del Tiempo, which was a drum show, and it was so awesome, highly recommended.
Ok, the food isn´t that great in our opinion, because Sarah and I really like vegetables and aren´t used to that much meat. But we looooove the ice cream, the pizza, and the chorizo. SO GOOD! They eat a lot of dulce de leche, asado, alfajores, empanadas, pasta, medialunas, milanesa...Sarah and I couldn´t believe you can order ANYTHING delivery, like ice cream and McDonalds.
Dulce de Leche
Asado...my first time eating kidney, intestine and blood sausage!
Args also drink mate allllllll the time. It´s a tea made of super strong herbs (runs through ya like a thousand rushing waterfalls!). Even while driving, they can carry the hot thermos of water in one arm nook and the mate cup in the other. Impressive.
Sarah is craaazy about chocotorta, a really simple cake made of dulce de leche and chocolate. The owner of our last hostel taught us how to make it.
Random note...Why are these pants in style now?!